Sunday, March 30, 2008

Woman sits on toilet for two years...

Read about this a couple weeks ago:


Kissing Record

The funny thing is they tried this during the tail end of flu season...

Wear Floaties!

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Raped by a Wombat...

It left him speaking Australian! Poor guy...


Friday, March 28, 2008

Grow grass in someones keyboard

Feeling annoyed that your coworker gets to go on vacation and you don't? Don't get mad get even! Plant grass in their keyboard, and here's step by step instructions on how to do it!

Ron Burgandy and JC

Hilarious. It looks like this was probably a promo for the Anchorman movie...


James Caviezel played JC in Passion of the Christ

Parody O' Cruise

Parody of the Tom Cruise Scientology speech thing. This guy is spot on...



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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This looks like me this winter

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Hillary... under siege!

If you've heard about the whole "Hillary Clinton under sniper fire in Bosnia" thing. This is hilarious:

Listen to your mother!

Came across this on Neatorama. It's a book from the 1800's about all the terrible things that happen to children who don't obey their parents. What the heck is wrong with people?

Here's a link to the book itself and a sample of the text and illustrations:

We all got round Charles,who could not speak, and the blood ran from his mouth and nose. We called to him, Charles ! Charles ! why don't you speak ?' He seemed to be dead. We were all crying, when William ran to fetch a man, who was passing along the end of the meadow. As soon as the man saw Charles, he shook his head, and said, Poor child, if he is now alive, he cannot live long.'
Accidents of Youth (Large PDF file will take a minute to load)

Line Rider

Awesome little web game. You draw hills and stuff with a pencil and then a little guy sleds on them. It's a lot more interesting than it sounds :)

Line Rider

Wallpaper for your MP3

Nice little pillar thing. Works well on my Zune, because all the text from the menus is on the left.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mom jeans!

This is hilarious... I'm sure you've met someone like this:

Deer Trampoline

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Don't Eat!

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Swimming Monkey

Pretty cool clip of swimming macaques:



Monday, March 24, 2008

Youtube Awards: 2007

Youtube awards!

Here's the winner:

21 alternate uses for Vodka

This is very cool.

My favorite:

"5. Spray vodka on vomit stains, scrub with a brush, then blot dry."

I didn't realize you can drink to much Vodka, puke, sleep in it, and then clean up the whole mess with more Vodka! Awesome...


Photoshop disasters

Awesome blog with pictures scanned out of magazines, ads, etc. with ridiculous photoshop mistakes that made it to publication.


Spelling with sheep

Hooked on phonics worked for... sheepdogs?

For real!

You suck at photoshop

Funny informative series on how to use various photoshop tools. It's hilarious even if you don't want to learn about photoshop. Here's the first one:


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter funnies


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dancing Alien (Spaceballs)

Come on my baby...


millions of 'em!

Na na na na na na!!!!

Batman the TV series facts!

Bat bulge... hahaha

Hollywood's favorite stereotypes


8 least impressive World Records

I like the longest ear hair... WARNING there is a picture!

8 records

She just wanted a new leg

I hate it when this happens!

Surgery mix up gives woman a new ___

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More liger news!

This one lives in an apartment!

Balloons + expensive jewelry = bad idea

Wow! This would suck...

From Reuters

Not a rat

Exterminator training class is more important than I thought...

Penny Arcade

Poor Jon...

I usually do this on trash day, too!

Really... Elliot Spitzer

Weekend update!


Looks like a Land Rover and a Cheetah... not a Jaguar...

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Incidentally, Jaguar and Landrover will both likely be purchased from Ford by the Indian company TATA motors.

Trouble with Tribbles

Link to a full episode of Star Trek - Trouble with Tribbles. Funny stuff.

I never noticed this before, but the bridge of the Enterprise on that show kind of looks like a kitchen from an IKEA catalog filled with people in pajamas.

Trouble with Tribbles!

Alcohol Quiz

Kind of a nice little quiz. Found it a little easy...

I got a Score of 91% "DRUNKARD"


Photochopped animals

Another one of those "combine the animals" photoshop contests. Always good for a laugh as long as it's been a while since you've seen the last one...

Funny Animals!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Things I've learned about computers from TV

TV is actually where I have gotten all my information about computers...

Top 10 things I've learned about computers from TV

6 signs you're not Irish on St. Patricks day

Pretty funny...

6 signs you're not Irish on St. Patricks day

Great alternative to

Woohoo! Use Send-a-terd to let someone know how you really feel.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm playing a very cool and fun game called Audiosurf. It's kind of a combination of Tetris, Guitar Hero, and a racing game.

Reviews from Metacritic

And it can be purchased on Steam (you have to download Steam first, though)

Weekly MP3 player/small portable device background

Uhm, I like to have interesting wallpaper on my Zune. So, I make wallpapers for it. These wallpapers should look great on any small portable device. I'm going to try and post one a week. At least until I run out. Then it may be less often...

This week is the beautiful, yet slightly macabre GLOWING SKULLS

FYI: These are 240 x 320 JPG files. So, they work best on devices with a 4:3 aspect ratio for the screen. Most of 'em will still look OK on widescreen devices like the iPod touch/iPhone, though.

Nummy childrens...

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Chafing doesn't usually come up in R&B songs... but it should if they're being honest!


St. Patricks muppet extravaganza!

Oh Danny Boy:

bred for its skills in magic - THE LIGER

Liger... this thing is HUGE!

Liger - Click here for funny video clips


"I’m single by choice. Not my choice."

- Orny Adams, comedian

Uhm, yeah.... it's Garfield

Poor Jon, at it again:

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oklahama needs to work on biology...

Apparently, watermelon is now a vegetable in Oklahoma, and not just any vegetable. It's the STATE vegetable!

Official state vegetable of Oklahoma.

Things not to do at a job interview

Sniff you armpits!!! Hahaha...

Reuters 10 Interview Gaffes

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal

Songs a little played out, but cool music video nonetheless:



Pretty Funny prank:

The Ring (now on you tube)!

I actually thought this when I watched the movie...

Friday, March 14, 2008

What's a coin slot you ask? Find out within!

Very Funny Lindsy Lohan Skit:

Man Toilet

The Mantoilet

Celebrity Jeopardy

Tom Cruise, Adam Sandler, and Sean Connery:

Zero Punctuation Review of new Burnout game

These reviews are hilarious. Even if you don't like video games these things are worth watching:


I'm like this about commercials...

Shaving cats is funny!

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First Post!

Welcome to Nathan's Funny Crap. I spend to much time browsing the internet, looking at funny stuff, and then emailing it to people.

So, I figured I'd go ahead and make a blog. This way, people can look at stuff I find interesting and funny, and I don't have to spam their inboxes.

Send me new stuff or reply to one of my posts if you find something funny!
